Southland Tales vs. Michael Clayton
I'm tired of doing work-related stuff and I can't get stoked about baseball just yet 'cause the Cats don't play at home till Friday.
So to bide the time, I figured I'd write about (gasp) film!
Here are the last two films I saw: Michael Clayton and Southland Tales. Let's have them face off.
Clayton is like The Insider for dummies. There's this clever intro thing were they show the denoument first, and that's well and fine. OK, I'm being harsh: It's a fine little thriller. Clooney is serviceable but doesn't really stretch it; this is like a dumbed-down version of his role in Syriana, if that's possible.
Southland Tales is a total mess. I'm sure if you smoke bowls of green goodness you'll find some remnant of narrative cohesion, but in my sad and sober state there was no sugar to be had. I can't believe I liked Donnie Darko so much, because Richard Kelly is obviously some rich asshole who has no business writing scripts or making movies.
That said, looks like Michael Clayton wins. See, isn't this fun?
why does everything hafta be a contest?
i still love donnie darko, it's an awesome movie. but typical sophomore slump, when so many hollywood peeps tell you what a genius you are, you can lose all objectivity.
like when all them wannabes tell you you're a genius at kart, but your just a hackjob.
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