
Just a minute

I had a rad w-e but need to clean up some mess before posting about it.


Liv Moe said...

That is impressive. It's almost as nice as the Ol' Man and I getting home on Sat evening to discover that Buddy had shat in the air return vent for the air conditioner. Fortunately the A/C wasn't on. Bloosh!

fft said...


yeah, leroy has this new thing where if we're gone for more than half a day, he tosses all the garbage and recycling bin.

he also went through this phase where he'd take a dump in the morning, like around 6am, then have a fuss around the bed until we'd wake up and see that he deuced in the other room, and then we'd be too awake to go back to bed and he'd win and we'd go for a walk.

this was a stuffed-animal fight between him and weird, which was hilarious and i'll definitely be youtubing that action next go around.