

To everyone I took photos of this weekend: Sorry about the crazy flash! I'm still adjusting to how it's used; I've figured things out so no more crazy overexposures.

Other thoughts: Free Blood's dance-rock songs are better than their dissonant, almost emo rock tracks. But their set on Sat. at Old Eye was great, gaining momentum with each song.

My dog rolled all over a dead skunk on Saturday morning.

Is 20,000 the best dance-pop band in the area? Yes.

Did I realize lose mariokart 18-10? Yes.

Why be in Animal Collective when you can be Panda Bear? Discuss ...

Thanks for the beer, Guphy.

Pineapple Express, sans a few great laughs, is really lame.

OK, so the second track on the new AC album is pretty hot; I'll give them that.


Anonymous said...

No problem, I hate to see the working poor without a beer in their hands.


fft said...

me too. esp if they're my hands.

Anonymous said...

the score was 19 - 11 pugbro