
@ SXSW: day three (break)

I only could throw a 65 mph fastball, no warmup. Cheese. I should pitch for the Giants bullpen.
There were six beer trucks recharging the masses on one single street block. I'm told there were over 1,500 kids out front of Emo's at 11am to see The Devil Wears Prada, and some kid threw a trash can and a fight broke out and bottles were broken on people. That said, if this event were to take place in Sac, I imagine there'd be way more police than there are here in Austin.

It was a treat to see Daniel Johnston. We showed up real early and with good reason; when we left, the line was over a city block long (to see Wrens).

Johnston played two songs solo and confessed that he "hadn't practiced." It showed: he could barely strum C-D-G chords (especially the G). Still, his set was something special: backed by Brooklyn band the Hymns (kind of a poor man's Th' Losin Streaks), Johnston read lyrics off a book but hit all the marks musically.

A lot of the tweener and under 30 crowd, which was packed in a tent at the Brooklyn Vegan show, bailed mid set, which was upsetting. I guess this is how you feel when you get older and those younguns don't appreciate music of old.

I'm gonna take a break for the day now and drive out to The Salt Lick for brisket.

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