
fly porn, dibs guy, more MOM, DJB hustles $73 on Second Saturday, Ganglians and Wavves on Easter

that fly-sex photo still creeps me out a bit. took it on my balcony.

dibs guy in the left-field bleachers at the coliseum is a piece of work. he was wearing a leather raiders hat and a ken stabler jersey, yelling "dibs guy" until said guy delivers desired dibs.

the a's lost 8-5. bullpen blew it.

the folk show at atelier on friday was just ok; all the acts sounded the same, skewing meek. and being un-microphoned made it harder to enjoy. and sea of bees being drunk kinda rained on her set.

johnny flores' new ink drawings at cuffs are excellent. amy scott's show at fun garden is great, too!

wavves was loud and fun but the crowd was eerily silent in-between songs. maybe would have been a better show at a house? it was like a tomb in there ...


luigi said...

sacramento has some weird shit going on.

fft said...

ur missin out