
It was as loud as a jet engine

Some pics from last night's Ganglians LPs releases show with Zach Hill and Pregnant (photos by Nick Miller. Hi-res versions available upon request).

My bro did sound and his decibel reading hit 120, which is as loud as a jet engine.

Zach Hill played as a three piece and, for the first time ever, the situation I was shooting in was simply too much for my camera: the trio played only by light of strobe, so between the flashing and the noise levels, my camera often malfunctioned and wouldn't register an image. I guess this is one of the few arguments for shooting on film. I'll link a video soon.

You could see a lot of people cover their ears in the crowd. I forgot my plugs; big mistake.

Ganglians first six songs were a revelation: the fourth track (title?) was killer, and the new songs that I'd never heard before were really punk/mod.

They'll be touring the East Coast this month. Pick up their LPs at Buffcastle.


Mark said...

That set seems amazing, thanks for the information and pictures you posted. I have a Zach Hill tribute site (myspace.com/holysmokesthesquire) and I am interested in acquiring any amount of pictures that you might be willing to send over. Please get in touch with me at your convenience - jebrinklog@hotmail.com. Thanks and take care.

film said...

Thank you very much for this information.