
french press, highballs and wi fi

i don't really celebrate christmas but people still buy me stuff--this doesn't really perturb me or anything (as if you can be pissed to receive a gift) but you know what i mean. this year, however, i only got present from the 'rents, and they were very practical in their gift giving. i got a french press and some highball glasses from the mum and a linksys wi fi router from the pops--not bad.

i feel bad for telling everyone about the jesus birthday cake at my dad's but it's just one of those red-state moments that you never imagine will happen in your lifetime, with your family, right before your very eyes. i was over at their pad on xmas morning for "breakfast"--i put it in quotes because, well, there wasn't any goddamned food!--and when i left they were all going to sit down together and watch left behind.




in other news, i pulled a major upset in my fantasy football league; the finals is this week versus Karp. take note readers who play me in fantasy basketball: goody player is a force to be reckoned with.

for the record, however, fantasy sports are lame. i'm just so dominant that i can't not play. i do so on the advice of my financial strategist.

also, i'm moving this week--to one house over on 48th street--so i'm going to have a party and all three of you are invited.

more tk.

also, if you google "goody player" my blog shows up first. awesome.

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