Inappropriate names for restaurants
Chicago Fire.
It's like naming your rock club "L.A. Riots" or your coffee shop "Sumatra Tsunami," but, of course, some 100 years removed from the disaster in the Windy City.
Still, it's funny.
Blah blah blah--so, how's the pie?
In a word: adequate.
You've got three options: thin crust, deep dish or stuffed. My buddy, a writer at the daily, and I sat at the bar and went for the traditional deep-dish cheese.
The results?
Have you ever been to Zachary's in Berkeley? Well, the pie at Fire tastes pretty much the same, though I prefer the sauce at Z's (a bit more seasoning, zip).
Either way, you'll more often catch me at Zelda's ... and I'm by no means a Zelda's fan.
Oh, and the new Luigi Slice: ugg. Sure, it's nice to for a slice, but I'd rather go to Uncle V's by Nishiki.
And so, it comes to this: Tell us, FFT, where is the best pie in town?
Here you go: the winner.
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