

Let me tell you about my dog, Leroy.

First, the vitals:

Breed: Pug (but not a pure bred)
Age: Between 5 and 8 years old. Nobody knows for sure, except Leroy, and he ain't sayin' shit.
Story: I adopted Leroy last month from www.pomtotherescue.com, a Pomeranian rescue Web site, yes, but they also help out Terriers and Pugs.

Anyway, I was told that Leroy was found somewhere in North Highlands, abandoned. His front right leg recently was broken, but healed; X-rays revealed that it's OK. So, obviously, the dude's been through some shit. He has scoliosis. He's housebroken, likes to sleep but gets excited when you bring out a leash.

He was in and out of foster homes for a month before I chose to adopt. I've had him for just about a month.

He's a real chill dude. His normal day consists of sleeping through my alarm and shower, then we walk to East Portal Park for some run time and to drop a deuce. On occasion I bring him to work, whereupon he sleeps under my desk. If I leave him at home, he typically kicks it but totally freaks when I stroll through the door. He hits the sack around 6:30pm but is in and out of consciousness. His farts are lethal but short-lived. He's in love with his toy, Mr. Winkle, who I can't stand but find amusing as a toy. He likes to jump in the bed and get cozy, but I don't allow it, but nasty allows him to go on the bed so he seems to think it's OK (which it's not, Leroy. No!).

I'm going to get him a sweater this week 'cause he's a short-haired dog and his ass be freezin' lately. I'll post what I buy; I'm hoping for an Oakland A's sweater.


goongumpas said...



daft punk...

fft said...

so, you're into the dp, ehh?

goongumpas said...

im gonna get dp'd by dp in 16 days

Anonymous said...

where'd you get the mr. wrinkle toy? the store on the website ain't working.

that thing is hideous. my dog needs one now.

fft said...

Actually, Winkle came with Leroy!