
FFT veggie tamales for dumbasses

This is my improvised veggie tamale recipe. not vegan, cos I put Spanish sheep's milk cheese in it (sorry piney--but you ain't no vegan so don't front!). Still bomb, though:

masa dough:
you can make your own dough with masa corn, salt and baking powder, which is time consuming but a bit more rewarding. if you're too lazy for that, you can get a masa dough concoction at the co-op, which is the corn, salt and powder already broken down into a mix. it's organic and not really cheating if you do that. next, you whip up some organic vegetarian shortening, say about 1 1/4 cups, with a mixer. then you add the masa mix in four parts (to make the mix, add about two cups mix to one cup of cold water and mix). mix the two and slowly add about a cup of vegetable stock, preferably homemade. season with salt and let stand. sometimes it's fun to take some corn off the cob and throw it in the dough. when you're done, the dough should have the consistency of cookie dough. easy shit.

for the filling:
i used yellow squash and green zuchini, which i sauteed in onions. i then added some garlic, black beans (cooked, boiled), and cilantro, and i seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin and cayenne pepper. let that simmer on low in it's own juices.

fillin the husks:
wash the husks real good and let em soak. then take a dollop of the dough, spread it down the middle toward the small end of the husk. spoon out some filling, add some cheese maybe (i used spanish sheep's milk cheese--can't rememeber the brand--but it's mild and doesn't overwhelm the cumin spice). then take the skinny part of the husk and fold it over the top. fold the sides in, and take a shoelace-like piece of husk and tie the fucker shut.

after i roll them all, i put them in a crock pot and steam them for a good three hours. you can eat them right out of the steamer. i had one last night--fucking good.

i also watched a bootleg copy of idiocracy and i'll write something up on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am too vegan!!! jizz totally doesn't count.